Monday, November 25, 2024

Why We Shouldn’t Pay for the Political Spending of Federal Contractors

When government contractors spend money, the American taxpayer has to foot the bill. There should be a restriction on all political activities by corporations getting more than half their income from the federal government.

Newly Released Emails Reveal the Hillary You (Still) Don’t Know

Hillary Clinton has recently turned over thousands of emails to he State Department and many of them only discuss daily menial issues. When was she discussing weightier decisions? Was she already thinking ahead, and wanted to remain mysterious about her true opinions on matters, so only communicated on big issues via telephone?

The Pain of Modern Life: Loneliness and Isolation

Our current socio-economic order way of living in this world is not how humans should be. According to Mohandas Gandhi, “all humanity is one undivided and indivisible family,” and without this sense of community, we are left feeling lonely and lost.

On Patriotism

True patriots don’t hate the government of the United States. They’re proud of it. They may not like everything it does, and they justifiably worry when special interests gain too much power over it. But true patriots work to improve our government, not destroy it.

Monsanto’s Boot Camp

If much of today's news seems unreal to you, that's because corporations are spoon-feeding it to the media. Big food companies are now sponsoring "boot camps" for reporters on the issues of “feeding the world’s growing population.”

The Superpower Conundrum

Military power no longer seems to act as it once did on Planet Earth. Under distinctly apocalyptic pressures, something seems to be breaking down, something seems to be fragmenting.

‘What, to the American Slave, Is Your 4th of July?’

Frederick Douglass told a crowd gathered in Rochester, N.Y., on July 5, 1852 that to slaves the white man's celebration of the Fourth of July is a "sham." And today, the gross injustice and cruelty he was talking about are still existent.

If Islamic State Had Burned Down Four Churches, It Would Have Been Headline News

Arson directed at African-American churches is on the rise in recent weeks with seven burnt to the ground. But the question remains: Is terrorism “raced” in the U.S.?

Overtime: Finally, a Break for the Middle Class

There is finally a bit of good news for hard-working Americans—the U.S. Department of Labor just proposed raising the overtime threshold. More than a million workers will soon get a raise.

Buy Your Way into Scott Walker’s Circle

Presidential candidate Scott Walker wants you to think he cares about people like you, so he is inviting people to sit down and talk to him face-to-face—it only costs $1 million. It's time we end this corrupt mockery of our electoral democracy.