Friday, November 1, 2024

Big Ag lets hundreds of thousands of farm animals die in barn fires every...

Farm animals have less legal protection than other confined animals, such as those living in laboratories or zoos.

Time to grow up: Ending divisions creating peace

It's time for humanity to come of age, to reject all that divides us, to unite and create a space in which peace and harmony can ring out across the world.

Why don’t we have free trade for highly paid professions in the U.S.?

The potential benefits for the economy would be enormous.

Does mundane, Democratic small ball make sense against war-like Trumpian nullification?

Good intentions fall short against foes indifferent to morality, law, science, disease, suffering, even the compassion that Christianity honors.

7 not-so-subtle messages Congress is sending with its tax plans

The two tax bills define what’s important to a society. Or more to the point, who’s not important.

The New American Order

Out of the chaos of this prolonged moment and inside the shell of the old system, a new culture, a new kind of politics, a new kind of governance is being born right before our eyes. Call it what you want. But call it something. Stop pretending it’s not happening.

It’s Time to Free Students from Debt

"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." It's time we free students from debt and create a new debt-free democracy.

One year after Khashoggi’s brutal murder: Business as usual?

Heinous. Savage. Ghastly. It’s hard to find the words to describe the act of luring journalist Jamal Khashoggi into a Saudi consulate...

“Blame the Greeks” – 5 Persistent Myths

Why can’t the Greeks just stick to the austerity plan and reduce their debt like the other countries? This and other often-asked questions are finally given some answers.

Ralph Nader’s urgent appeal: Vote for Democrats

There are profound differences between the two major parties. Ralph Nader is offering crucial wisdom at this historic moment.