Art, Politics and Social Change at the Venice Biennale
This year’s Venice Biennale, called “All the World’s Futures,” showcases a growing community of politically engaged artists, who not only reflect the beauty and brutality of the world, but might actually change it.
Hard Knocks U
There are more horror stories about private for-profit corporate colleges than ouchies in a bramble patch. Meanwhile a $1.3 trillion mountain of debt is weighing down students at all types of U.S. colleges, endangering our entire economy.
Peace and the Ideology of Greed and Division
Cooperation, tolerance and, crucially, sharing the worlds resources equitably amongst the people of the world, these would go a long way towards establishing social justice and trust, which in turn would help facilitate peace.
The Outrageous Ascent of CEO Pay
It's time we start pushing companies to put less money into the hands of their CEOs and more into the hands of their average employees. Not only will it create more jobs, it will actually help corporations.
Throwing Public Education Under the Bus
Now the small-minded budget slashers won’t even pay for bus rides? It's time we invest fully in public education to get the future we want for our children.
Super-Rich Donors Turn Our Democracy into Their Plutocracy
There are a few "treacherous" donors who are using wads of cash to pervert American democracy into plutocracy. So who are they trying to buy favors for?
Evoking the Wrath of Nature
Capitalism has placed monetary profit above the maintenance of life. "Ignoring the warnings of native communities, we have evoked the deadly wrath of nature. And I fear we may not be able to find our way back."
Why Israel’s Security Experts Support the Iran Deal—and Iran’s Hardliners Don’t
Why is right-wing media asserting that hardline Islamists in the Islamic Republic are delighted with the Iran nuclear deal, while Israelis are concerned over their country's security when the opposite is true?
Five Ways Congress Disposes of Poor Minorities
"The casualty gap is 'an inconvenient truth' that both parties choose to ignore." Congress seems to cause no fuss when it comes to disposing of vulnerable Americans.
How Obama’s ‘All of the Above’ Politics Led to the Rise of Bernie Sanders...
The feeling that Obama’s administration was in many ways a continuation of rather than a break with Bush is one of the things impelling voters on both sides of the aisle to support mavericks. Here are what Juan Cole see as turning points in Obama’s gradual betrayal of hope and change.