Thursday, January 9, 2025

The Evidence Keeps Pouring In: Capitalism Just Isn’t Working

Everything is a potential market to the capitalist, but it's time to end the suffering of ordinary Americans, which is very good for the profit margins, and make human life a top concern.

Clinton Emails: Is this Watergate? Or Just Another Whitewater?

The Hillary Clinton email hysteria rages on as the Washington press corps have virtually declared war on her. But is this a Republican stunt to derail the Democratic presidential candidate they fear the most?

Shielding Wall Street from the Ravages of Bigotry

Perhaps Phil Gramm could run a telethon to support ex-executives shamed for their fat retirement packages. Don’t laugh, for Phil really feels the pain of the rich.

Corporate Welfare in California

Right now, a grassroots movement is growing of Californians determined to reform this broken commercial property tax system, and who know California needs more stable funding for its schools, libraries, roads, and communities.

How Many Thousands of US Troops Would GOP Hopefuls Send to Iraq and Syria?...

Many GOP presidential hopefuls "wouldn’t rule out U.S. boots on the ground" in Iraq, or Syria for that matter. So if a Republican takes office come 2016 we can almost be guaranteed a return of combat troops to the Middle East.

It’s Time to Free Students from Debt

"Democracy has to be born anew every generation, and education is its midwife." It's time we free students from debt and create a new debt-free democracy.

Poll Shows Only 1 in 4 Americans Wants More US Involvement Abroad; Cuba and...

Americans no longer want any more involvement overseas. How out of touch can the presidential candidates be on foreign policy public opinion?

Amnesty International: Protecting the ‘Human Rights’ of Johns, Pimps and Human Traffickers

Is the sickness of the modern culture the ability to exploit with impunity into a human right. Chris Hedges discusses Amnesty International's call to decriminalize prostitution.

The Fraud of the New ‘Family-Friendly’ Work

The new family-friendly policies seem ideally timed, but they apply only to a tiny group considered “talent”—highly educated and in high demand— to help to recruit and keep them. Let's not celebrate this new era just yet.

Republicans or Social Security? It’s an Easy Choice

"Saving Social Security for future generations is far more popular than any of them ever will be." So remember that this is the best financial decision and vote accordingly.