Fiorina’s Dubious Cheerleader
Tom Perkins recently bought a full-page ad attesting to the presidential worthiness of Carly Fiorina. Yet is your campaign in a heap of hurt if you need Tom Perkins to defend your “abilities, intellect, and talent?”
Mantra for 9/11
Fourteen years later and we are still living in an improbable world. Tom Engelhardt discusses the wars, interventions, assassinations, tortures, kidnappings, the growth of the American national security state and the spread of Islamic extremism.
Pope Francis’ Call to Host Refugees Contrasts with America’s Anti-Immigrant ‘Religious Right’ (Video)
Was Pope Francis’ call to host refugees a slam against the anti-immigrant right wing? Many American Christian leaders aren't too keen when it comes to the issue of Syrian refugees being accepted by the U.S.
A Crisis of Public Morality, Not Private Morality
Corporations and wealthy individuals are allowed to undermine our democracy, which is causing America to experience a far more significant crisis in public morality. While public morality can’t be legislated, it can be encouraged.
The Real Enemy Is Within
"There will be no genuine democratic, social, economic or political reform until we destroy our permanent war machine." It's time we confront the war industry and the crimes of an empire.
Vendetta or Paranoia? The ‘Times,’ the ‘Beast’ and the Clintons
It's time to discuss the New York Times and the Clintons. Is it wrong to skew the discussion of alleged Times bias against the Clintons as Pulitzer-winning Times editors and staffers versus "diehard Clinton loyalists" and "allies?"
Why We Need a Guaranteed Income. Soon.
Here is a thought on Labor Day: Our jobs are disappearing. And while large corporations and the super-rich have little care for the average people, it's time we consider the dangerously divided world we've created for generations to come.
What Happened to the Moral Center of American Capitalism?
“We can have huge wealth in the hands of a relatively few people or we can have a democracy. But we can’t have both.” We need to get big money out of politics.
Have Your Coke and Guzzle It Too
The world’s largest purveyor of sugary sodas now peddles empty-calorie science too. The corporate giant’s latest scientific fraud is prompted by corporate panic.
VIDEO: Obama’s Journey: 10 Signs of Extreme Climate Change in Alaska and Why It...
The reason Obama went to the state is that it is at the forefront of the climate change crisis. Here are the climate problems it is facing according to the Environmental Protection Agency.