Things Like Ted Cruz’s Threat to Kill Iran’s Ayatollah Are Why Iranians Don’t Trust...
Decades of American dirty tricks and plots against the Iranian people might be the main reason why Iranians don’t trust the U.S. And Ted Cruz confirmed that on Friday at the Value Voters Summit conference.
Carly Fiorina Proves You Don’t Want a CEO for a President
Carly Fiorina personifies corporate greed and economic inequality claiming that “running government like a business” would be a positive. Who actually thinks she belongs in the White House?
Three Exceptional Facts About America
A tide of paranoia is mounting with the litany of predictions of doom and disaster for the U.S. Tom Engelhardt discusses why it's safe to be a paranoid American living in today's world.
Donald Trump Proves What’s Wrong with Bankruptcy Laws in America
One of the biggest economic issues America faces today is what to do when someone can’t pay what they owe. While we are searching for the solution, we don’t need Donald Trump to give us the answer.
Moneyed Elites Get Richer the Old-Fashioned Way: Stealing
Financial and political elites have been rigging the system for the enrichment of the few and the impoverishment of the many. Don't be fooled, these thieves are stealing from all of us.
State Terror Against People of Color
Too many families are unable to find social justice because they are rendered invisible by the media and crushed by poverty. And this nightmare they are living will only grow as poverty and inequality expand.
VIDEO: Why We Must End Upward Pre-Distributions to the Rich
Political competition is no longer between Republicans and Democrats—it's between the 99 percent and the economic elite who influence the rules by which the economy runs. Let's stop the pre-distribution upward.
Why Big Tech May be Getting Too Big
Americans are in a false debate over free market vs. government. This discussion leads us to the questions: who are the real influencers over legislative decisions and who will ultimately win this game?
The Painful Facts, State-by-State: How We’re Victimized by Corporate State Tax Avoidance
Corporate data from numerous sources recently revealed state-by-state corporate tax avoidance. As a result, greed and corruption is hurting education and infrastructure across America.
Non-Candidates for President
Corporations and billionaires are able to fund their favorite presidential hopeful campaigns in order to have their candidate repeatedly exposed to the U.S. people. The Supreme Court’s Citizens United decision has resulted in this unfair way of campaigning.