Time to Rein In the Casual Overuse of Undercover Cops in America
Do undercover cops create a dangerous paranoia in every day citizens? It's time to say "Enough! No more undercover cops on patrol, or just trolling for busts. No more Corey Joneses!"
While the Republicans Snarled, Hillary Smiled
We know conservatives left furious and whiny, but did Hillary Clinton's strong performance rally skeptical liberals to her side?
American Hypocrisy: GOP Against Sharia Law at Home but Sees Its Backers as ‘Moderates’...
How can the news report positively on America's killing and bombing of al-Qaeda’s al-Nasr, but slam the Russians for bombing al-Qaeda? American hypocrisy, don't you think?
My Pick for the Next Speaker of the US House
While the Speaker of the House doesn't actually have to be a member of Congress, why don't we choose someone like a kindergarten teacher, a minimum-wage worker, or organic farmer to run the show? They might be exactly who is needed.
VIDEO: The Four Big Lies About Immigrants—and the Truth
While Donald Trump “opened the floodgates to lies about immigration,” Robert Reich uncovers these myths and explores the truth behind immigration and the government’s comprehensive immigration reform.
Yes, George W Bush Bears Some Responsibility for US Vulnerability on 9/11 (Video)
While George W. Bush loyalists’ refrain that he “kept us safe,” the Bush administration could have done more to forestall 9/11. Did the Bush gang cynically use 9/11 to take America to war on false pretenses?
The Morality of a $15 Minimum
A national movement is growing for a $15 an hour minimum wage rase—workers at fast-food and big-box retail establishments are striking for a raise. So when will corporate America start moving toward this goal?
Syrian Army Advances Under Russian Air Support as al-Qaida’s No. 2 Is Killed (Video)
It's been reported that under cover of Russian air support, the Syrian Arab Army of Bashar al-Assad has made some advances against al-Qaeda in Syria. But Russia might not be the only country acting in Syria.
New 2015 Wealth Data: US Inequality at Its Ugliest
According to the Credit Suisse Global Wealth Databook, the wealthy elite's continuing disdain for the poor, the middle class and people all around the world is disturbing. These wealth gap realities are victimizing the great majority of Americans.
Here’s How We Know Cheap Renewable Energy Is Taking the World by Storm (Video)
Renewables are making money for corporations and saving consumers money. This is a recipe for massive growth.