Universal tipping points: change is coming
Much like individual change, societal developmentshappen gradually, often painfully; even when sudden shifts take place, seemingly ‘out of the blue’, they arethe...
Learning from history, if we dare
To leverage and learn from humanity’s history regarding what fostered sustainability in the past, we need to know the outcomes.
Trump’s lament: ‘And now, the end is near, and so I face the final...
It’s even more evidence that America badly needs a president who can keep his head on straight.
Trump is a clear and present danger to America and the world
In retrospect, what’s most disturbing about “Sharpiegate” isn’t Donald Trump’s clumsy effort to doctor a National Weather Service map or even his...
Anti-Assange court continues unfair extradition hearing to railroad Assange to us
“I don’t understand how this is equitable. I can’t research anything, I can’t access any of my writing. It’s very difficult where I am.”
Which side are you on?
Coalition is what we need in our country. Individual rights, yes, but coalition is needed to combat emergencies.
After a year of Biden, why do we still have Trump’s foreign policy?
President Biden and the Democrats were highly critical of President Trump’s foreign policy, so it was reasonable to expect that Biden would...
Corporations are suppressing wages—there’s an easy fix for that
Don’t believe the optimistic hype about wages “naturally” rising. About one-third of American workers are shockingly underpaid as a result of the federal government’s continued refusal to raise the minimum wage.
Imperial hypocrisy of the US-China climate talks
So while the U.S. pushes China to do more, it also strategically undermines its efforts.
Going to the Daytime Emmys
There was once a literate public. This is gone now, replaced by a vast burlesque.