Partnering with the Devil
Blatant lies, PR cover-ups, and a culture of total impunity are now central to the corporate business model.
Why Big Brother Lies (And How He Gets Away with It)
Peter Van Buren did something no US diplomat is allowed to do. He told the truth and told it to the wrong people – us. Our government is not in the habit of telling us – the governed – what it's up to.
Exxon’s Weapons of Mass Confusion on Climate Change
The real power, and our great hope, is in the People's rebellion: marches, civil disobedience, trainings, teach-ins and other actions to pressure leaders to put people and the planet over corporate profiteering.
Winners and Losers in Our New Media Moment
The winners of the latest version of the news and election cycle won’t be the American people or the electoral system or a deeper knowledge of how our world works.
The Revolt of the Anxious Class
Most middle-class individuals are good people, not bigots or racists. They work hard and they have a strong sense of fairness. But their world has been slowly coming apart. And they’re scared and fed up.
Capitalism’s Cult of Human Sacrifice
Manchester, a poor Mexican-American neighborhood in Houston, is just one example of how industrial capitalism is killing us on an altar of profit.
A Holiday Note to Congress: Half of Your Country is In or Near Poverty
Members of Congress, comfortably nestled in bed with millionaire friends and corporate lobbyists, are in denial about the true state of the American middle class.
For Sale: Obscene Monuments to Mammon
The trophy mansion is the most ostentatious game of billionaire one-upmanship yet.
Look Who’s Buying American Democracy
How much more evidence do we need that our system is in crisis? How long before we make it work for all of us instead of a handful at the top? We must not let them buy our democracy.
The Sleaze, Guilt and Punishment of Don Blankenship
Lord Don has taken a great fall, as he was ousted as CEO in 2010, and then finally, last week, was convicted for the conspiracy that led to the needless deaths of those 29 miners.