Sunday, January 12, 2025

Six Responses to Bernie Skeptics

Is Bernie Sanders too old? Would he beat Trump in a general election? Robert Reich discusses these issues and other concerns regarding Bernie Sanders for president.

New York Values: What Tiny Ted Will Never Get About the Big Town

Only a rube thinks that New York is about money and media alone; it is much, much bigger than that.

Buddy, Can You Spare a Dime for a CEO?

Corporate honchos say taxes are “forcing” them to relocate their businesses to offshore tax havens.

Today’s Top Wind Energy Stories: Cost Down 60 Percent Since 2009 (Video)

In the United States, the cost of wind-generated electricity is down 66 percent since 2009, and there are now 50,000 wind turbines, generating enough electricity to power 19 million homes.

Tell the Truth about Bernie’s Health Care Stand

During the 1993 quest for a health care plan, Secretary Clinton sent Sanders an autographed picture of the two of them, wishing him the best and thanking the senator “for your commitment to real health care access for all Americans.”

Hillary’s Recent Positions and Endorsements: Say What?

Hillary Clinton seems to be building her campaign more and more on misleading alliances and distasteful attacks.

The SOTU 2016: The Future is Friendly?

Not only has Obama progressed the democratic dialogue, but he has represented the hallmark of open democratic government and has clearly silhouetted his governing vision.

Why the GOP’s Fence Fantasy Is a Farce

Trump, Cruz, Rubio and the other “just build a wall” simpletons either don’t know what they’re talking about or are deliberately trying to dupe voters.

“The Big Short” and Bernie’s Plan to Bust Up Wall Street

"To paraphrase philosopher George Santayana, those who cannot remember they were screwed by Wall Street are condemned to be screwed again."

The Great Forgetting

America’s refusal to fund and sustain its intellectual and cultural heritage has come with an enormous cost. We are now paying the bill.