Thursday, November 28, 2024

Scenario: Trump resigns after extorting pardons – deluded he’ll fend off recrimination and penalties

Many voices must apply maximum pressure, but it’s no slam dunk that anything overcomes Trump’s impenetrable defenses.

‘You Have a Mother’

A mother and a father, fighting to protect their daughter and son from death, still exist in faint particles of light. The fierce and protective love of a mother and a father is stronger than hate—it can overcome evil.

New efforts seek to build trust in elections, in the face of a still-thriving...

Believers of Trump’s big lie about the 2020 election continue to ignore national media and election experts. Will they be convinced by poll workers and local leaders to trust the democratic process again?

Forget the Voting Rights bill: Here’s how to destroy GOP voter suppression

The lesson to be learned here? When you are faced with a massive obstacle, aka, the Republicans in U.S. Senate blocking your way, then you must either go around it, over it, under it, or right through it.

Trump, the felon, has been making a complete fool out of the US court...

The political destruction of Trump who, as a candidate for president is the greatest insult to our democracy and our Constitution and to the U.S. court system that has constantly bent to him and given him one free pass after another.

Ralph Nader’s urgent appeal: Vote for Democrats

There are profound differences between the two major parties. Ralph Nader is offering crucial wisdom at this historic moment.

Biden vs. Trump: Whose economic plan is better for you?

A New York Times analysis found that since 1933, the U.S. economy has grown nearly twice as fast on average under Democrats.

The ‘weavings’ of a wacko: The fakery of grinding Trump hokum into brilliance

“I never ramble, I only ‘weave,’”/ Thus doubling down ways to deceive.

Crime Can Pay if It’s Big Enough

For banksters like Goldman Sachs, federal criminal settlements are just a cost of doing business.