Six lessons for America: How endless Trumpist lawbreaking drives his fascist takeover scheme
Trump’s infamy expands quicker than Pinocchio's nose—so much so it’s dawning on even backward Americans that Trump has gone way too far.
Usable madness
Usable lying and other well-intended “adjustments” of the truth have opened up the door for many further troubling innovations . . .
U.S. chooses genocide over diplomacy in the Middle East
What Americans should be asking their government is this: Why are there still 2,500 U.S. troops in Iraq?
Nuclear risks: A statement from the Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons
“The path to a world without nuclear weapons lies through the TPNW [Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons].”
Trump and his key enablers
Is the Trump nightmare finally ending?
Clearing the Trump Trainwreck!
When reality goes from bad to worse/ What’s sane for me is satiric verse.
Why march for science?
The positive effects of science on our lives are everywhere. And the needs for more and more responsible science are also everywhere.
Better family planning can improve public health, inequality and the environment
Smaller, more sustainable families would create massive long-term savings and catalyze sustainable development.
Ethiopian Renaissance Dam: A unifying Peoples Project
Ethiopians are faced with a choice: unite and prosper or withdraw into ethnic rivalries and fall into further conflict and discord.
Power and lies
We now have a president who lies through his teeth and two giant uncritical conveyors of those lies.