How Trump killed every business he touched
Is Trump a business failure? Almost every business he’s touched, he’s driven into the ground.
An orgy of unnecessary cruelty
Trump is embarking on an orgy of cruelty for absolutely no reason.
The Pathology of the Rich White Family
"There is no decadence like the decadence of rich white people." Rich white families have the license and the power to amass unimaginable wealth at our expense and it permits the rich to inflict poverty on growing circles of the population.
Complacency rules: Consumerism and the environment
Complacency and the refusal to change individual behavior and collective ways of living are stoking the underlying cause of the crisis—consumerism.
The Case for Superdelegates Selecting Sanders
It’s time to bring the newly energized electorate to the polls and to see the powerful vision of superdelegates come to fruition.
Comparing poverty in India and America
But how does this compare to the worst forms of poverty in other countries?
Can Trumpist fascism commandeer America, today’s richest, ‘exceptional,’ freedom-loving empire?
How can an unteachable blunderer—failing every presidential crisis, many self-created, pull off the most improbable, fascist lurch since the 19th century?
Missouri set to execute Marcellus Williams despite DNA evidence proving innocence—again
Unless we reform this corrupt system, racist politicians will be rewarded with higher political offices–for–”frying a black man.”
P. G. T. Beauregard
A white Confederate general can learn from experience that it does society better to recognize the equality of minority races.
Feminism Unheeded
The debate within feminism over trans, "transgenderism" and transsexualism—varying in terms—goes back to the 1970s and continues today. Is there an endemic of sexual violence in the contemporary U.S.?