Friday, September 20, 2024

How Trump’s trade policies failed workers

Bad trade costs millions of American jobs. Trump’s brand of deal-making won’t bring them back.

Why Trump must think twice before he pardons Flynn

By now it must be obvious even to Trump that a pardon for Flynn – or any Mueller defendant or target – would put the final touch on an obstruction of justice brief against him.

Syria’s Aleppo falling: Moscow is a player in the region again

Russia’s success in shaping the outcome of the Syrian struggle has made Moscow a player in the region again for the first time since the fall of the old Soviet Union.

Gun makers and sellers on list of ‘essential businesses’ amid coronavirus pandemic

"Gun retailers are not essential businesses and should not remain open during this pandemic."

Major economic warning sign: The Euro is heading for parity with the U.S. Dollar

“As I have warned so many times, the coming crisis is going to hit Europe first, and the United States will join the party not too long after.”

The fight for Bernie delegates is escalating — and could help beat Trump

Corporate media and powerful Democrats are eager to portray the 2020 Democratic presidential race as a thing of the past. But progressive activists have some very different ideas.

Amy Klobuchar, Minneapolis police and her VP quest

With Klobuchar now on Joe Biden’s short list for vice president, the gruesome killing of Floyd has refocused attention on Klobuchar’s history of racial injustice.

Top 10 signs the US is the most corrupt nation in the world

Are Americans not seen as corrupt because we only deal in the big denominations? Think again.

Republican part-time nation: Going involuntary

Providing security to the nation’s workers is obviously not the Trump-Ryan agenda.

Killing democracy in America

“We have met the enemy and he is us.”