Friday, December 27, 2024

Nice people make the best Nazis: The moral bankruptcy of silent Trump voters

Trump’s many spoken bigotries were not a deal-breaker for the silent majority of ‘nice’ supporters. That is the true disgrace.

Giving Homes to the Homeless is Cheaper Than Leaving them on the Street. Here’s...

It is much more cost-effective to build public, low-income housing for the homeless than it is to leave them on the street. This was proven in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing we’re lacking is the political leadership willing to abolish homelessness for everyone, nationwide.

This isn’t just a photo of Ivanka Trump. It’s a middle finger to democracy.

Shredding democratic traditions, one image at a time.

The Speech: On Corporate Greed and the Decline of Our Middle Class (BOOK)

Sanders’ speech – published here in its entirety with a new introduction by the senator – is a call for action and a passionate statement informing us that the only people who will save the middle class of this country is the middle class itself.

Mueller and Barr: Are we witnessing a dual cover-up?

If there are any canny politicians who could do it, it is these two who have done just that in the past.

Bernie Sanders calls for ‘boldest legislation in history’ to halt spiraling COVID-19 catastrophe

"Senator Sanders' economic rescue principles speak to the bold, fast action needed to protect and support people and prevent corporations from consolidating economic and political power amidst a crisis."

Trump Immediately Backs Out of Presidential Debate Against Bernie

On Friday, Sanders told reporters, “Well, I hope he changes his mind again. Mr. Trump has been known to change his mind many times in a day."

5 Reasons the Top Tax Rate Should Be 80%

Informed Americans understand that an economic war has been waged against the middle and lower classes.

Donald Trump Says There is No Drought in California

Trump claims California is not in a drought and will open up water to farmers if he is elected president.

Unsure About Socialism? Here’s More Evidence That Capitalism Is Killing America

Reports from the past six months show that the ongoing record of capitalist greed and irresponsibility has plunged to new lows.