Conservatives Criticize Michelle Obama For Bare Arms, Stay Silent On Melania Trump’s Nude Poses
Trump's wife, possible future First Lady, receives no criticism for nude photoshoots while Michelle Obama is insulted for bare arms.
Foiled Trump goes full Confederate, names Mar-a-Lago the MAGA Whiter than White House
'No cause is truly lost when the Confederate flag still waves, when statues of freedom-fighters stand on every village green, and good white Christian nationalists reign supreme.'
Sander’s monumental mistake: failing to explain exactly what a democratic socialist government is
It’s time that Sanders speaks out, explains what democratic socialism is and reminds Americans that it is a central part of this country, and that’s why he espouses that political ideology.
VIDEO: Hillary Clinton Talks About Her Plan to Get People to Accept GMOs
Watch Hillary Clinton explain at a Biotech convention her plan to change the narrative of how GMOs are promoted to the public in order to get their support.
New Stanford Study Shows Serious Voting Discrepancies in Favor of Clinton
In Louisiana, Clinton performed 12% better than the pre-election polls showed. The Republican primary didn’t show any deviation.
A Grim Scenario: If America Ends Up With a Republican President and a GOP-Controlled...
When we decide whether to vote or not, and for whom we will cast that ballot, we better think very deeply about the America in which we want to live going into the future.
Iceland Sentences 26 Corrupt Bankers to 74 Years in Prison
Iceland just sentenced their 26th banker to prison for his part in the 2008 economic collapse. The charges ranged from breach of fiduciary duties to market manipulation to embezzlement.
Why America is the greatest country
I just know that everything is okay because I live in the greatest country. And America is the greatest country because everything is okay.
How California Is Being Stolen from Sanders Right Now
Dig this: Some counties are demanding that some of the first-time voters show official voter ID.
Chaos in Syria, Part I – 3 Motives and 7 Countries
What exactly has been happening in Syria in the last few years? How did we end up with millions of refugees?