Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Who Should Bernie Voters Support Now? Robert Reich vs. Chris Hedges on Tackling the...

Chris Hedges and Robert Reich discuss their thoughts on Bernie Sanders’ support of a Hillary presidency after his speech at the DNC.

Meet the Lobbyists Who Got a $250 Million Subsidy for a Milwaukee NBA Arena

Scott Walker continues his cuts to the public sector despite his plan to score the NBA’s Milwaukee Bucks a new arena costing more than $250 million in taxpayer money. Meet the lobbyists who won Walker’s heart in the deal.

Education Cannot Wait

“In providing resources to deliver education, the fund is a bold affirmation of a better tomorrow – an unwavering promise to unlock talent, develop potential, and secure futures for all children, wherever they are.”

Sanders most popular Democratic candidate in exit polls among ‘swing voters’

Where exit polls are conducted, Bernie Sanders is the favored Democratic candidate in 13 out of the 16 states. This means that...

Demand an end to the taxation of Social Security benefits

And no fix they come up with should come out of the pockets of workers or retirees.

Six reasons why Trump’s wall is even dumber than most of his other ideas

Trump lives in a fact-free universe designed merely to enhance his power and fuel his demagoguery. But you don’t have to, and nor does anyone else.

Zombie Economy – Living Bubble

“The income and wealth inequality is the worst since the Great Depression. In 2015, the Top 1% earned 22% of all income earned in the U.S.”

Shut Down the Democratic National Convention

Corporate Democrats rigged the primary elections. They sold us out to Wall Street. They stripped us of our civil liberties. And now they want us to be mute props in their political theater. Democracy will only come from the streets.

US internet bill is a sneak attack on encryption while public focuses on coronavirus

While fighting for and focusing on reducing child exploitation is something of great importance, the EARN IT Act is an undeniable attack on encryption and will affect how companies operate and potentially your privacy.

Progressives’ Case Against Hillary Clinton

The Clintons are right out of “House of Cards” - the Netflix series. The corporate media is in cahoots with her for obvious reasons – she represents corporatocracy, warmongering and globalism.