Video: Out with 2014, In with 2015 and Up with People
It's time we organize, mobilize, energize and make a ruckus. Never underestimate what we can, and will, accomplish together in 2015.
Populist Proposals Win in 2014
While the Democrats had a poor showing at the polls in 2014, populist and progressive ideas surged. An array of unabashedly populist ballot initiatives were passed by pollsters.
Climate Deniers, Like Big Tobacco, Thrive Behind a Smoke Screen of Doubt
Just like the tobacco industry, the fossil-fuel industry is denying the science of climate change and working full speed to derail any progress by marketing its primary product: doubt.
The Prison State of America
The "carceral state” we live in will not be reformed through elections, or by appealing to political elites or the courts. We are caught in a prison state and lockdown of American politics.
Did Drought and Climate Change Cause Middle Eastern States to Collapse in 2014?
The collapse of the Middle Eastern states is pointing to climate change as one culprit. The already bad climate problems in the Middle East will only get worse over the next 50 years.
How Bashar al-Assad’s Regime Came Back in the Syrian Civil War in 2014
There is a maintained fiction that the U.S.' 2014 bombing raids against Daesh and al-Qaeda do not help the regime, but rather the moderate rebels. In actuality, they help the regime.
The Republican’s Magical Mystery Tour (Starting Next Week)
The pattern of Republicans seems to be: if you don’t like the facts, make them up. Legislation based on lies often causes the public to be harmed.
Greed Kings of 2014: How They Stole from Us
The theft of society's wealth may be due to ignorance as well as to greed. Why are we wrongly being advised that the best way to defuse the situation is to teach tolerance for inequality?
Troubled by Trends in America?
If you are troubled by the various social, economic and political changes transpiring in America, here is a quick antidote.
It’s a Fake, Fake, Fake, Fake World
Discussion on how the data for “economic recovery” is manipulated, and how true capitalism has morphed into crony capitalism, casino capitalism and cruel capitalism.