We’re Already Losing Our Democracy and All Our Freedoms to the 2001 AUMF
The 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force (AUMF) declared America to be a "battleground and the country to be in a permanent state of war." It's time Congress gets rid of the treacherous AUMF.
Chicago’s Taxpayer-Funded Ode to Robber Barons
Even though George Pullman was a feudalistic 19th-century profiteer, he considered himself a beneficent employer as he suppressed the wages of his factory workers. In current times, is our tax money going to finance a monument for his greed?
Republican Scott Walker Pitches a Possible Syria War to Make Us Like Him
Scott Walker, the GOP hopeful, is using the idea of a ground war in Syria as an attractive campaign promise. But what does he think Americans will gain from a Syria war launched by the leader of Wisconsin?
Hunting Hillary: Dim Speaker-to-Be Reveals Select Committee’s Partisan Goal
As the Republican-controlled House revealed yet another committee to investigate Benghazi, is this their way of "hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?"
Rejecting US Claims, MSF Details Horrific Bombing of Afghan Hospital and Demands War Crimes...
After releasing its own preliminary investigation, Doctors Without Borders is also demanding an independent war crimes probe of the U.S. bombing of its hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan.
Is Greece’s ‘No’ on the Debt Referendum Another Youth Revolution?
The way politics works, and the different categories of politics, has changed drastically over the past few years. Having a left, right, socialist, capitalist, etc. view is beginning not to matter, while Millennials enter into the world of activism and human rights.
Court Rules NSA Bulk Spying Illegal: New Vindication for Snowden, and Uncertainty for PATRIOT...
The NSA’s collection of millions of U.S. citizens’ phone records is now illegal for them to possess. This ruling comes at a time when the Patriot Act is soon up for renewal.
Middle East Reacts to Murder of 3 Muslim-American Students in North Carolina
Middle Easterners are calling the murders a "crime against humanity” and blame Islamophobia for the recent tragedy in North Carolina. Is a hostile environment forming against American Muslims in the U.S.?
The Go-to Guy for Corporate Moochers
Scott Walker is a proven budget whacker giving corporations the goldmine, while students get the shaft. So when a corporation wants public money, Walker is their go-to-guy.
Gen. John Campbell, Commander in Afghanistan and Serial Liar
Head of US forces in Afghanistan Gen. Campbell continues string of lies about US gunship attack that destroyed Doctors Without Borders hospital in Kunduz, claiming it was a case of 'mistaken targeting', but history of US hospital bombings belies his assertion that the US 'doesn't intentionally bomb hospitals.'