Why Don’t US Media Interview Real Allies on American Policy Regarding the Iran Deal?...
We are hearing about the Iran deal from minor congressmen and senators who have not read through it let alone represent anybody. This doesn't seem like balanced journalism, let alone journalism at all.
Ethiopian General Election
Was the recent election in Ethiopia an insult to the people and democracy? The citizens are abused and suppressed by a brutal, arrogant regime that acts in violation of all democratic ideals.
Why Israel’s Security Experts Support the Iran Deal—and Iran’s Hardliners Don’t
Why is right-wing media asserting that hardline Islamists in the Islamic Republic are delighted with the Iran nuclear deal, while Israelis are concerned over their country's security when the opposite is true?
How regular voters played an impactful role in urging Biden to step aside
We discussed rapid response organizing, the impact of positive messaging and the role Pass the Torch played in Biden’s decision.
Black MAGA is still MAGA
Trump's evolving strategy for the Black vote has been high on empty symbolism and viral moments, but distinctly low on specific promised policy benefits for the Black community.
States of Terror
We waded into conflicts in the Middle East we did not understand, propelled forward by fantasy. And our folly spawned a death spiral of political, social and economic collapse, widespread poverty, massive displacement, misery and radical jihadism.
Anticipatory Bribery
It's about time the people that run for office feel the burden of revealing payments based on their economic worth, not anticipated political clout. Have we entered a future of anticipatory bribery?
VIDEO: The Worst Trade Deal You Never Heard Of
Robert Reich explains the Trans-Pacific Partnership and gives reason to say “no” to fast-tracking. The deal is bad for the vast majority of Americans, watch and see why.
Obama’s, and Washington’s, Absurd Choice of a Nuclear Deal or War on Iran
“The choice we face is ultimately between diplomacy and some form of war, maybe not tomorrow, maybe not three months from now, but soon.” Why do we have to accept such limited choice of options?
How we take back the Supreme Court
Wherever you imagine yourself and your family forty years from now, you will still be feeling the effects of this year’s election.