Friday, September 20, 2024

Why do we even have voting machines?

Americans, who have grown jaded about machine voting, and distrustful about its integrity at the same time, should be demanding a return to paper ballots.

VIDEO: War Crime in Afghanistan?: Outrage After US Airstrike on Hospital Kills 22 Patients...

One group is demanding an independent international inquiry into a U.S. airstrike on an Afghan hospital over the weekend. What's the real reason behind the air strike that hit the Doctors Without Borders hospital?

As Public Pensions Shift to Risky Wall Street, Local Politicians Rake in Political Cash

A recent political scandal in which investments done in secret are politically connected with Wall Street's firms who are in return earning millions off of taxpayers is getting little coverage. Journalist David Sirota is revealing his findings about these secrets to Democracy Now.

Helsinki 2.0

The European security order has broken down. The conflict around Ukraine is a symptom of this larger problem.

Republicans craft health care plan to screw Trump voters

There is at least a small irony in the fact that millions of Trump voters will be frontline losers if Trumpcare gets signed into law.

‘Most significant charges yet’: Trump indicted for trying to overturn 2020 election

Trump faces four charges: conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.

Bernie Sanders proposal for $2 trillion coronavirus emergency plan includes $2,000 direct monthly payments...

"We must guarantee that everyone who needs care can get it for free, ensure that all workers continue to receive paychecks so they can make ends meet, and stop giant corporations and Wall Street from profiting off the outbreak."

Former GOP congressional staffer follows revolving door, now latest Keystone XL lobbyist

It only took TransCanada roughly three weeks to hire a lobbyist tied to the Republican Party to advocate for Keystone XL.

Progressive Briefing for Thursday, September 6

New study links air pollution to dementia, U.K. accuses Russian spies of implementing nerve agent attack, anonymous White House official publishes scathing NYT op-ed, and more.