Friday, September 20, 2024

Supreme Court denies cert in Planned Parenthood case, lower court rulings protecting patients remain

Planned Parenthood was pleased with the Supreme Court's ruling and called it a "win for patients in Louisiana and Kansas."

Ocasio-Cortez raises over $100,000 in just four days following anonymous 2020 primary threat

"It was a good opportunity for us to see what the base was willing to do and if they were going to stand by her in the event of a primary challenge. It was a resounding: 'Yes, they will.'"

Public Citizen: Trump’s national emergency declaration paves way for sweeping authoritarianism

The bill includes nearly $1.4 billion to build 55 miles of new border barriers out of steel, far less than the $5.7 billion requested by President Trump.

As al-Qaida Defeats ‘Moderate’ US Allies in Syria, Will the US Ally With al-Qaida?

President Obama has announced his new "complicated plan" to deal with ISIL and it involves training a "third force", therefore creating a Free Syrian Army to attack al-Qaeda and ISIL. But is this a practical option to fighting the radical extremists?

Corporate liberalism is no match for Trumpism

Merely promising a kinder, gentler version of grim social realities just won’t be enough to counter the faux populism of a neofascist Republican Party.

Le Pen’s lament

Was France’s presidential contest a setback for the new nationalism?

Stuck in a rut of their own making, progressive democrats need to be honest

Until progressive Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren forthrightly declare that Yes! socializing health care by making the government the...

We can breathe life back into democracy

“We make meaning together, build and deepen relationships, and take collective ownership for our country.”

‘Most significant charges yet’: Trump indicted for trying to overturn 2020 election

Trump faces four charges: conspiracy to defraud the United States; conspiracy to obstruct an official proceeding; obstruction of and attempt to obstruct an official proceeding; and conspiracy against rights.