Monday, September 16, 2024

Snake Oil Won’t Cure Inequality

The GOP's 2016 contenders talk a good game about the wealth gap while making it even bigger. Don't they know this is the biggest issue affecting Americans?

Staffing Up for Corruption

There was a new category of staffing added to Big Money in politics. Campaigns are now hiring “donor maintenance managers” as personal concierges to millionaire supporters—another example of plutocratic corruption of our democratic elections.

VIDEO: As Democrats Walk Out on Obama’s TPP Deal, Where Does Presidential Candidate Hillary...

While Hillary Clinton broke her silence about the Trans-Pacific Partnership, which was derailed last week, we still don't know her actual stance on the trade deal. Why stay so secret, Hillary?

Black MAGA is still MAGA

Trump's evolving strategy for the Black vote has been high on empty symbolism and viral moments, but distinctly low on specific promised policy benefits for the Black community.

As al-Qaida Defeats ‘Moderate’ US Allies in Syria, Will the US Ally With al-Qaida?

President Obama has announced his new "complicated plan" to deal with ISIL and it involves training a "third force", therefore creating a Free Syrian Army to attack al-Qaeda and ISIL. But is this a practical option to fighting the radical extremists?

Taking on ‘Mayor 1 Percent’

Reclaim Chicago is a campaign to put people’s candidates up against incumbent city council members who’ve been "tail-wagging lapdogs for Mayor Rahm Emanuel’s corporate rule." It's time a winning people’s movement makes a change in Chicago.

Millions Could Lose Obamacare Coverage as Supreme Court Weighs Dubious Koch-Backed Case

Behind the billionaire brothers David and Charles Koch, Competitive Enterprise Institute sued the government in a new challenge to Obamacare. And it's all over an aspect of the law dealing with tax subsidies. Now millions of people's healthcare coverage is in the hands of the U.S. Supreme Court.

A Mailman on a Mission

"Doug Hughes’ gyrocopter stunt was no flight of fancy." It seems the majority of Americans are behind his bold “very special delivery” through the heart of our nation’s most restricted airspace in an effort to shake up and shape up Congress.

Anger Translation: Why Obama Was Ranting Against GOP Climate Policy at Press Dinner

Big Oil, Big Coal and Big Gas have such a strong grip on Congress, helping to avoid climate disruption. And that is why President Obama went into his comedic rant against climate denial at the annual White House Correspondents’ dinner.

Let’s think about how to build a more peaceful world

A first step is strengthening global institutions promoting the rule of law.