Friday, September 20, 2024

It’s a scary time

The number of famous men accused of such assaults recently is astounding. Harvey Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Donald Trump, Joe Biden.

America rejoins the world?

It simply doesn’t make a lot of sense to entrust leadership to a country with a severe personality disorder.

As Ford polygraph made public, Senate Judiciary Democrats unified: Kavanaugh should ‘immediately withdraw’

"We are writing to request that you immediately withdraw the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh to be an Associate Justice on the Supreme Court or direct the FBI to re-open its background investigation and thoroughly examine the multiple allegations of sexual assault."

Biden ends policy forcing asylum-seekers to ‘remain in Mexico’—but for 41,247 migrants, it’s too...

The migrants—many of them Central Americans fleeing endemic violence, poverty and corruption—will be allowed to stay in the U.S. as their cases move through the immigration court system.

Ruling with rats

Ah, the rat system. It is how the po-po and the prosecutors get damning information on defendants, those threatened with prosecution, and all their criminal associates. Flipping rats.

House committee investigating Capitol insurrection has a lot of power, but it’s unclear it...

The committee has several tools for shedding light on the events of Jan. 6 and ensuring that the American people learn the truth about what happened.

‘Big step for democracy’: NC Supreme Court delays primaries over gerrymandered maps

“These rigged maps will go to trial with the North Carolina Supreme Court next month—and, if there’s any justice, be consumed in fire directly afterward,” said one progressive advocacy group.

Le Pen’s lament

Was France’s presidential contest a setback for the new nationalism?

Stuck in a rut of their own making, progressive democrats need to be honest

Until progressive Democratic candidates like Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren forthrightly declare that Yes! socializing health care by making the government the...