Knee-jerk Nullification: Impeachment Lite
There is far more self-evident misconduct to censure 47 GOP senators than even this regressive House would dare place at Obama's door. Like patriotism for Mark Twain, this cowardly war of party nullification is the last refuse of scoundrels.
VIDEO: Dear Sweden: Your Dispute With Saudi Arabia Makes This a Good Time to...
Sweden has cancelled an arms sale with Saudi Arabia because of the way they jailed and fogged blogger Raif Badawi, which has ultimately hurt the two country's relationship. This may lead to Sweden focusing more on green energy since their petroleum purchase usually comes from Saudi Arabia.
Media’s Email Hysteria: Why Are Republicans Exempt?
If a private email account is so shocking to mainstream media, why was there barely any talk about the millions of emails that disappeared during the Bush years? The current hysteria seems to reveal the intense press prejudice against Hillary Clinton by several well-placed Washington journalists.
Ghost Dance: Five Facts about Our Vanished Nations
In his column, Thomas Magstadt lists a few facts about U.S. history from a new book about Indigenous people of the nation written from the perspective of non-Indigenous people. It's time we as a nation recognize our past wrongs so we can finally heal.
Giving Homes to the Homeless is Cheaper Than Leaving them on the Street. Here’s...
It is much more cost-effective to build public, low-income housing for the homeless than it is to leave them on the street. This was proven in Salt Lake City, Utah. The only thing we’re lacking is the political leadership willing to abolish homelessness for everyone, nationwide.
Drunken Secret Service Agents Crash into White House Barricade
Secret Service agents Mark Connolly and George Ogilvie were returning from drinking and celebrating the retirement of departing Secret Service spokesman Edwin Donovan. While driving drunk through the police tape and interrupting an active investigation, the agents crashed into a temporary barricade in their government vehicle.
University of Oklahoma Students Mobilize Against Racism as Two Fraternity Members Expelled for Hate...
"It is wrong to use words to hurt, threaten and exclude." Two students who allegedly led a song that included a racial slur at the University of Oklahoma were recently expelled for their hostility. It's since spurred a mobilization of students standing up to racism.
Why You Should Dump Your Oil, Coal and Gas Stocks if You Ever Want...
Big Coal and Big Oil are dead men walking. So if you have hopes in retiring on them, think again. Stocks in these companies will get you nowhere—they're outmoded and prone to crashing. It's time to put your securities elsewhere.
Why Are We Taxpayers Subsidizing Corporate Crime?
America's laws help deter corporate crime and force victims to help subsidize criminals. It's shameful that the corporate-financed lawmakers legalize such criminality. Are corporate-coddling judges now playing the same disgraceful game?
A Twisted Tribute
General Martin Dempsey, chairman of the U.S. Joint Chiefs of staff, wants to honor King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz of Saudi Arabia as a military hero. Claiming he's “a man of remarkable character and courage,” Dempsey might want to think again.