Thursday, September 19, 2024

Hunting Hillary: Dim Speaker-to-Be Reveals Select Committee’s Partisan Goal

As the Republican-controlled House revealed yet another committee to investigate Benghazi, is this their way of "hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?"

Sanders ‘confident’ $15 minimum wage possible through Senate reconciliation

"I'm confident that the parliamentarian will advise next week that we can raise the minimum wage through the reconciliation process."

The Key Difference Between a GOP and a Bernie Sanders Fundraiser

Unlike his GOP competitors who pander to multibillionaires, Bernie Sanders is the only major candidate who does not have a super PAC. This Democratic hopeful far from represents the interests of the billionaire class.

A Misleading Moment of Celebration for a New Surveillance Program

The final passage of the USA Freedom Act has many civil-liberties credentials rejoicing. But why is it that people in Europe and elsewhere, who care about civil liberties and want true press freedom, look to the U.S. surveillance state?

Do media really care about money in politics?

But a deeper look at media coverage suggests that media’s concern with money in politics rarely extends beyond the catchy headline.

Four Score and Seven Years Ago… at Disney World

Have we been living in a futuristic science fiction novel through the most bizarre American century yet? Tom Engelhardt discusses the demobilization of the American people and the spectacle of the 2016 elections.

Code Blue: U.N. Accused of Giving Immunity to Peacekeepers Who Commit Sexual Abuse

The UN is being criticized for not looking into allegations of sexual exploitation of children by French peacekeeping troops. Only one man has been accused of such actions so far and now faces dismissal.

For Rent: The GOP’s No. 3

How long has Rep. Steve Scalise been involved in Congress' take-and-give game with lobbyists? Ever since he starting writing the rules that give such corruption a pass. As Scalise puts it, he must “keep and expand our [Republican] majority in Congress.”

A Lost Opportunity for Change

We are living in times of great strain, and worldwide opportunity. Huge numbers of people throughout the world want change; disappointingly, the election result in the UK was a victory for the status quo.

Where Are the Populist Democrats?

While “extreme inequality has corrupted other societies,” what about our own society? It's time Hillary Clinton and her party’s populist strength take a swing at a "down-the-middle issue" that’s staring them in the face.