Thursday, September 19, 2024

An End to 'Mindless Austerity:' Obama Pushes for Taxing the Rich to Fund New...

President Obama is calling for Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations as a way to fund education and fix America's infrastructure. Could Obama's budget proposal help poor and middle-class families?

VIDEO: The President Should Not Only Veto the Keystone XL Pipeline, but Stop it...

President Obama has the authority to end the environmentally damaging Keystone XL pipeline project altogether. It's time we pressure the White House to go through with it.

Right-wing Supreme Court upholds block on Biden’s student debt relief, leaving millions in limbo

The Supreme Court’s conservative majority has once again halted President Biden’s efforts to provide student debt relief, casting doubt on the future of the SAVE plan and the fate of millions of borrowers.

The Top Five Ways Netanyahu Has Sabotaged US and Israeli Interests

Binyamin Netanyahu is claiming that "leftists" are sending aid to his rivals to try and unseat him in a rare public display of paranoia. But that is far from the truth—here are five ways he's damaged U.S. and Israel interests.

VIDEO: Step #2: Make Work Family Friendly

"Family-friendly work" is nothing but a pipedream in the richest nation in the world. Yet it shouldn't be a luxury because it's what American workers and their families deserve—a decent life with decent pay.

Restrictions on Syrian Refugees Driven by Fear, Xenophobia

Interview with Congressmember Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim member of Congress. “We’ve had 750,000 refugees come into this country since the year 2001. None of them – not one – has been engaged in terrorism,” Ellison says.

Harris can’t embrace billionaires if she wants to win

Billionaires are busy pressuring political candidates to keep their taxes unjustly low. Their opinions shouldn’t—and don’t—matter.

Hunting Hillary: Dim Speaker-to-Be Reveals Select Committee’s Partisan Goal

As the Republican-controlled House revealed yet another committee to investigate Benghazi, is this their way of "hurting Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign?"

Benghazi! Hiding a Transcript—and the Truth

The saga of the House Select Committee on Benghazi continues—Trey Gowdy, the committee's chairman, demands the release of sworn deposition from Sidney Blumenthal. But what is the committee's real purpose?

Middle East Reacts to Murder of 3 Muslim-American Students in North Carolina

Middle Easterners are calling the murders a "crime against humanity” and blame Islamophobia for the recent tragedy in North Carolina. Is a hostile environment forming against American Muslims in the U.S.?