Thursday, September 19, 2024

Criminalizing Refugees: The Disgrace of Britain’s Immigration Detention Centers

Fleeing war, persecution and acute poverty, men, women and children have migrated to the U.K. for generations. Coming in search of peace, instead, many find themselves being incarcerated.

Even War Has Rules

Hospital attacks in Yemen and Kunduz have not been mentioned in any of the U.S. presidential debates or forums so far. We need a full investigation of these crimes, to hold those responsible accountable.

Washington Asks, ‘Who Lost Ramadi?’ But Washington Never Had Ramadi

Why do Republicans think that if the U.S. occupied Iraq for longer, Ramadi would have somehow become a U.S. protectorate? The whole debate over “who lost Ramadi” is no debate because Washington never had Ramadi.

Philadelphia Passes Paid Sick-Leave Law

Philadelphia City Council approved a bill on Thursday that mandates companies with 10 or more employees to provide their workers the opportunity to earn up to five days’ paid sick leave. The mayor, who changed his position on the issue, announced he would sign it.

Chicago’s Taxpayer-Funded Ode to Robber Barons

Even though George Pullman was a feudalistic 19th-century profiteer, he considered himself a beneficent employer as he suppressed the wages of his factory workers. In current times, is our tax money going to finance a monument for his greed?

Idea for Tackling Inequality Number 27,653: Stop Subsidizing It

Washington assumes that inequality is something that happened. By contrast, the more obvious story is that inequality is something that was done through policies that redistributed income upward.

Republican Scott Walker Pitches a Possible Syria War to Make Us Like Him

Scott Walker, the GOP hopeful, is using the idea of a ground war in Syria as an attractive campaign promise. But what does he think Americans will gain from a Syria war launched by the leader of Wisconsin?

As Public Pensions Shift to Risky Wall Street, Local Politicians Rake in Political Cash

A recent political scandal in which investments done in secret are politically connected with Wall Street's firms who are in return earning millions off of taxpayers is getting little coverage. Journalist David Sirota is revealing his findings about these secrets to Democracy Now.

The United States needs a ‘Robin Hood Tax’

A giant tax fight awaits next year—when a number of the 2017 tax cuts for the rich and businesses expire.

Green Energy Is Surging and You’ll Never Guess Why

Many countries around the world have adopted wind and solar power for their electricity needs displacing hydrocarbons at a fast rate. Juan Cole highlights the stories illustrating the surge.