Thursday, September 19, 2024

More and War

So many tax dollars have been spent on the further militarization of the country. We no longer have the slightest idea what life might be like if, instead of 17 significant intelligence outfits, we had just two of them, or even one.

Imagine Something Different

“The shadow of crisis has passed, and the State of the Union is strong,” President Obama assured us. From whose lives has the shadow of crisis passed? And for whom is this Union strong?

Why the CIA is So Eager to Demolish Whistleblower Jeffrey Sterling

The CIA is on a quest to gain more respect. Is the agency seeking a very harsh prison sentence for Jeffrey Sterling to serve as a warning to others?

New GOP Chairman Suppresses Full CIA Torture Report

In 2009, former CIA Director Leon Panetta ordered the CIA to conduct its own investigation into documents involving torture. This review found that the CIA had repeatedly overstated the value of intelligence gained through torture.

Terrorism: Where Lies the Greatest Blame?

When will this government understand that there is a direct correlation between military hubris and terrorism? When will it stop creating its own enemies?

How Tacky Can the Golden Arches Get?

McDonald's new ad campaign is designed to link the corporate brand to the healing power of love. Is this McDonald's newest idea to help reverse declining sales: more "Lovin?" Just ask protesting workers about the "love" they're getting from McDonald's.

‘You Have a Mother’

A mother and a father, fighting to protect their daughter and son from death, still exist in faint particles of light. The fierce and protective love of a mother and a father is stronger than hate—it can overcome evil.

Exclusive: Newly Discovered 1964 MLK Speech on Civil Rights, Segregation and Apartheid South Africa

In a newly discovered recording of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., listen exclusively to his major address in London on segregation, the fight for civil rights and his support for Nelson Mandela and the anti-apartheid struggle in South Africa.

Fast Food Workers in Kentucky Stand Up to Global Billion-Dollar Corporation in Union Vote

This Wednesday, cooks and cashiers at Morehead State University (MSU) will vote to unionize in order to bargain for a liveable wage. The workers are employed by Aramark, whose top executive makes 1,817 times more per year than their average worker.

The New Compassionate Conservatism and Trickle-Down Economics

Republican policies have nudged it toward big gains at the top and stagnation for everyone else. When will the leading Republican hopefuls recognize the economy has to work for everyone and not just a few?