Saturday, September 21, 2024

Hours after Pelosi comments, Pressley says Biden clearly ‘has the authority’ to cancel student...

“Student debt cancellation is a racial and economic justice issue and President Biden should act,” said the Massachusetts Democrat.

How Trump’s attempted coup could still succeed

Their point is to cast further doubt on its legitimacy and justify additional state measures to suppress votes and alter future elections.

No Republicans, Two Women Of Color Will Square Off To Be California’s Next U.S....

Democrats Kamala Harris and Loretta Sanchez will square off in November.

The Greatest Show on Earth

How Billions of Words, Tweets, Insults, and Polls Blot Out Reality in Campaign 2016

The evidence is clear: The US public wants science-based policies for Covid-19

Any true hope in ending despair and the unchecked spread of the coronavirus must begin by following the public’s clearly documented trust in science.

Congress could use an arcane section of the 14th Amendment to hold Trump accountable...

Section 3 of the 14th Amendment was created to tackle a different problem related to the Civil War: insurrection.

Solidarity Pours in for Birmingham Teachers Striking to Defend Victimised Union Rep

One teacher joined the NUT the day before the strike so they could join the action. Another filled out their NUT membership form on the picket line.

Rahm Emanuel is in the running for a top ambassador post. The prospect is...

Days after Biden’s election, AOC told the New York Times that Emanuel’s inclusion in the Biden administration “would signal, I think, a hostile approach to the grassroots and the progressive wing of the party.”

Right-wing groups mobilize against effort to crack down on tax dodging by the rich

“You can’t raise taxes, you can’t raise taxes that have just been lowered, and you can’t enforce existing tax laws—a never-ending race to the revenue bottom,” said one critic of the right-wing campaign.

Conviction and removal aren’t the issue; it’s impeachment of Trump that is essential

Presidential high crimes and misdemeanors, unchallenged, become the new reality going forward.