Saturday, September 21, 2024

Obama insider confirms former president ready to back whoever wins 2020 nomination—even Bernie Sanders

"...and whoever emerges from the primary process, I will work my tail off to make sure that they are the next president."

MSNBC’s Chris Matthews suggests four more years of Trump might be better for Democratic...

"Do they want Bernie to take over the Democratic Party in perpetuity? Maybe they'd rather wait 4 years and put in a Democrat that they like."

Congress works with Big Oil on letter suggesting anti-pipeline activists face terrorism charges

“Corporations and their governmental enablers are desperate to silence dissent every way they can.”

Trump’s two kinds of lies – and why they’re undermining American democracy

Trump is ramping up both kinds of lies – lies about the facts, and lies about those who are reporting the truth.

Ted Cruz’s Stone-Age Brain and Yours

Ted Cruz may be able to build up his poll numbers by promising to carpet bomb foreigners in the Middle East of whom we are fearful, but at least we know that biology doesn’t have to dictate our response. Our brains don’t have to stay in the Stone Age.

‘Now the Senate must act’: Progressives applaud House passage of John Lewis voting rights...

“As long as we let the filibuster stand, this necessary bill will be stuck in the Senate,” warned Congresswoman Jayapal. “It’s your right to vote or the filibuster.”

“Break the Internet” revolt to save net neutrality

A free, open internet is at stake. Now more than ever before, it’s time to make a ruckus.

Greg Gianforte agrees to plead guilty for body-slamming reporter

Despite the fact that Gianforte assaulted a reporter, the congressional candidate defeated his Democratic opponent by more than 20,000 votes.

Real solutions for tax day, not bogus tax reforms

The CPC budget would end the deferral of taxes on “offshore” corporate income that has let corporations dodge hundreds of billions of dollars in taxes.

Jail The Bankers And Take Back Control Over Money

If the economic proposals described in this episode of Clearing the FOG were put into effect, Wall Street would be tamed and the people would regain control of the economy.