Saturday, September 7, 2024

Suppressed at Home, Neglected Abroad

The government of Ethiopia neglects and suppresses the people at home, ignores and abandons them abroad. They are in violation of a plethora of international covenants, as well as their own constitution, but perhaps more fundamentally they are in violation of their primary moral duty.

As Obama Apologizes for Deaths of Hostages in Drone Strike, Does the U.S. Know...

President Obama apologized for the U.S. drone strike in Pakistan that took the lives of two hostages. He went on saying the operation was a botched operation and he deeply regretted its outcome.

The Nincompoop Caucus Sets a Record

Lawmakers are doing all they can to eliminate healthcare coverage for people on Obamacare. Republicans have voted more than 56 times to take away health coverage for previously uninsured people. This is absurd.

After four dark years under Trump, words ‘climate’ and ‘science’ are back on EPA...

“You deserve access to science and data,” new EPA Administrator Michael Regan says.

VIDEO: Naomi Klein: Obama Is Beginning to Sound Like a Climate Leader, When Will...

With the unveiling of his long-awaited plan to slash carbon emissions from U.S. power plants, President Obama is beginning to sounds more like a climate leader. But will his actions follow?

Youth Revolts Are Back: Lebanon, Iraq Shaken by Demand for Services, End to Corruption...

Youth protests have popped up from time to time–in Turkey, Yemen, and now Beirut and Baghdad–where they are shaking up politics and calling for an end to corrupt governments.

Throwing Public Education Under the Bus

Now the small-minded budget slashers won’t even pay for bus rides? It's time we invest fully in public education to get the future we want for our children.

What do voters want?  

When voters in democratic states decide, democratically, that they’ve had enough of democracy, it’s not just throwing away a vote, it’s throwing away the vote.

Déjà vu in Central Europe: Ukraine Between East and West

Putin’s strategy is to "reconstitute the Old Russian Empire" and what remains of Ukraine's territorial integrity is threatening the overall peace in Europe. It seems the crisis will not end until Putin is stopped. So who will stop him?

Pandemic recovery will take more than soaring growth – to fuel a more equitable...

Countries seeking to explicitly counteract the negative effects of the pandemic need a good compass to guide their recovery plan. And that won’t be GDP.