Monday, September 16, 2024

Buy Your Way into Scott Walker’s Circle

Presidential candidate Scott Walker wants you to think he cares about people like you, so he is inviting people to sit down and talk to him face-to-face—it only costs $1 million. It's time we end this corrupt mockery of our electoral democracy.

Debate: Sanders Rejects Intervention While Clinton Slams Iran and Putin and Supports Syrian Rebels...

While foreign policy was a big issue discussed during the Democratic National Debate, Bernie Sanders' and Hillary Clinton's stances couldn't be more different. Here's their views when it comes to Iran, Putin and supporters of Syrian Rebels.

When They Scream ‘Clinton Scandal,’ Wait for the Facts

There is a new frenzy of ignorance and indignation against the the Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. But they'll remain innocent until someone produces credible evidence of wrongdoing—which in this case has yet to be done.

License Politicians: Better Late Than Never

Politics remains a glaring, backward exception to a complex, modern culture that rightly demands top credentials for top jobs: any buffoon struts into high political office and commandeers god-like powers over life and death.

California votes no: Governor Gavin Newsom survives Republican-led recall effort

California voters cast their ballots in the recall because “as attention started being focused nationally on this election, people started realizing what was at stake.”

Sterling Trial Opens in Security-State Matrix

A lot of smoke will be blowing through the U.S. District Court in Alexandria during the next few weeks as the Obama administration and the CIA hierarchy are clearly eager to see Jeffrey Sterling punished in a big way.

Here’s What a Solidarity Economy Looks Like—From Quebec to Chicago to Mexico

While solidarity economy isn't very well known in the English-speaking world, it's been gaining a foothold in academia and civil society groups since the turn of the century. But now the idea has had an impact on economic thinking in the U.S.

Video Reveals Federal Agents Arresting Venezuelan Mayor for Conspiracy

Mayor Ledezma of Caracas in Venezuela was recently arrested and is being accused of conspiring to overthrow the Venezuelan government. The Venezuelan President has faced severe economic turmoil and social unrest and he seems to be targeting military and political opponents without proof of evidence.

Living on the wrong world

Is a planetary cease fire desperately needed?

Where Is Our Jeremy Corbyn?

Jeremy Corbyn, who was elected to lead Britain’s Labour Party, is part of the new popular resistance. Chris Hedges discusses how Corbyn politics are rising up from the ruins of neoliberalism and globalization.