Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cannabis Americas Common Sense Crops

Thirty-two states have legalized medical marijuana in some form or another. With the help of some reform-minded activists and the general public, are our politicians starting to come to their senses on cannabis?

When do autocrats give up?

Why was the opposition successful in Bangladesh and not in Venezuela?

VIDEO: With Historic Iran Nuclear Deal Expected, Can President Obama Sell It to Congress...

The historic nuclear deal between Iran and six world powers recently passed. It will limit Tehran’s nuclear ability for more than a decade in exchange for sanctions relief. But how will Congress and the general public respond?

Why the Trans-Pacific Partnership Is Nearly Dead

How is it that the pending Trans-Pacific Partnership backed by both President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress is nearly dead? Thankfully America’s real-life distributional game made free trade a near casualty.

Remembering RBG: Legal giant’s death sparks furious fight in DC over vacant Supreme Court...

Her death just 46 days before the November election sets up a major political battle over her replacement.

Celebrating the Flash Crash with a Wall Street Sales Tax

As we celebrate the fifth anniversary of the Flash Crash, we can also celebrate a possible policy that will take mostly from the rich and raise a huge amount of money by raising the cost of financial transactions.

BREAKING: President Obama Rejects Keystone XL

It is a huge day for environmental activism. The years of tireless hard work and activism against the controversial Keystone XL pipeline have paid off. President Obama has rejected the pipeline once and for all.

Suffocating dissent: Gagging the Media in Ethiopia

The Anti–Terrorism Proclamation is known to punish so-called "troublesome journalists" who might criticize the government or publish articles featuring opposition. The brutal gang ruling is no worse than in Ethiopia.

Muslim Activist in Paris Condemns Attacks, Rising Islamophobia

Reports of Islamophobia have already emerged following the Paris attacks, and fears of attacks on Muslims in Paris have risen.

Bernie Sanders wins New Hampshire primary with key support from youth voters

At a celebration in Manchester, Bernie Sanders said his victory in New Hampshire is the beginning of the end for Donald Trump.