Sunday, September 22, 2024

‘We will hold him accountable until he does’: 110+ groups demand Biden close Gitmo...

"We urge you to act without delay, and in a just manner that considers the harm done to the men who have been imprisoned without charge or fai trials for nearly 20 years."

Biden’s eloquence about George Floyd will ring hollow if Rahm Emanuel gets ambassador nomination

“Rahm Emanuel helped cover up the murder of Laquan McDonald. Covering up a murder is disqualifying for public leadership.”

Day of the Demagogue

Should Donald Trump or Ted Cruz win the presidency, they are guaranteed to make life hell for millions of undocumented human beings living in and working extremely hard in this country.

The Supreme Court’s ‘Muslim ban’ decision is terrifying

If the war on terror has taught us one thing, it's that harsh laws targeting non-citizens will eventually be extended to citizens, too.

Honoring Otto Warmbier

How should the United States respond to the detention and subsequent death of an American student who visited North Korea?

‘House Democrats must not delay’: Progressives, 2020 contenders demand Kavanaugh impeachment amid new sexual...

"Confirmation is not exoneration. Like the man who appointed him, Kavanaugh should be impeached," said Sen. Elizabeth Warren.

Getting Beyond the ‘Buffett Rule’

In 1944, the year billionaire investor Warren Buffett first paid income tax, Americans ‘soaked the rich’ — and benefited mightily from the soaking.

Will the 2020 contenders take on inequality?

Class wars unfold on multiple fronts, and virtually all national policies and programs affect how equally we distribute our income and wealth.

Trump’s chaotic response to coronavirus & what’s next for Democrats

The Trump administration’s response has been to deny, blame, obfuscate, and generally cover up.

US media must scrutinize Biden presidency – not celebrate it – if they want...

Journalists and those who hold their purse-strings will have to find a new enemy if they wish to keep their increased ratings – and maybe even their reputation of being a critical eye – intact when Biden becomes president in January.