Thursday, September 19, 2024

Pope Francis’ Call to Host Refugees Contrasts with America’s Anti-Immigrant ‘Religious Right’ (Video)

Was Pope Francis’ call to host refugees a slam against the anti-immigrant right wing? Many American Christian leaders aren't too keen when it comes to the issue of Syrian refugees being accepted by the U.S.

Why Rand Paul Was Right to Kill the So-Called Patriot Act: It Was Never...

While Sen. Rand Paul helped force the expiration of the so-called PATRIOT Act, it seems he is a better constitutional scholar than Barack Obama, who is not interested in the Fourth Amendment.

VIDEO: A Double Standard on Leaks? As Whistleblowers Jailed, Petraeus Escapes Prison and Advises...

When it comes to punishing whistleblowers, the Obama administration is the most aggressive in history. Join Democracy Now in their discussion surrounding the double standard when it comes to who is punished and who walks free.

VIDEO: Obama and Putin Spar at UN: Will Regime Change in Syria Further Destabilize...

During a formal meeting in New York, President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed their views on Syria and Ukraine with Obama expressing his willingness to work with Russia to resolve the Syrian crisis.

Populist Proposals Win in 2014

While the Democrats had a poor showing at the polls in 2014, populist and progressive ideas surged. An array of unabashedly populist ballot initiatives were passed by pollsters.

Inequality is higher in some states like New York and Louisiana because of corporate...

Incentives serve to redistribute funds to the wealthy and reduce resources for broadly redistributive policies over the long run.

Iran Deal: Why Heed Same Voices that Are Always Wrong?

We've consistently made the historic mistake of listening to all these false and foolish prophets. And now with the Iran deal in the works, there should be no excuse to repeat this tragic error.

Students Launch Historic Debt Strike, Refusing to Pay Back Predatory College Loans

Fifteen former students of the for-profit Corinthian Colleges system decided not to pay back loans they took out to attend the college. They've launched the nation's first student debt strike against the crushing debt.

How to make sure your disruptive protest helps your cause

Five key factors determine whether controversial protests are more likely to spark backlash or create positive outcomes.

Bernie Sanders Should Stop Ducking Foreign Policy

Perhaps Bernie Sanders' supporters have been drawn to his fervent economic populism. But the 2016 presidential candidate can't bypass foreign policy for too much longer—it's time he addresses it, along with military spending and war.