Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Smart Brother? Why Jeb Bush Can’t Escape Dubya’s Dubious Legacy

Jeb Bush's presidential nomination depends on persuading voters that he is not his brother George W., but rather the "the smart brother" of the Bush family. His debut address on foreign policy might say differently.

Will Immigrants Who Built America Redeem It?

America is not just a land of immigrants, it was built by “foreigners” to reinvent themselves. It's time for a reality check, America—"Remember always, that all of us, you and I especially, are descended from immigrants and revolutionists.”

The KBparty of Plutocratic Rule, Welcome to What the Supreme Court Wrought

Corporate cash is corrupting America's democratic process and killing our people's right to self-government. The Koch Brothers party is raring to go vowing to spend even more in the 2016 presidential election. It's time we stand up to the corporate elites.

Déjà vu in Central Europe: Ukraine Between East and West

Putin’s strategy is to "reconstitute the Old Russian Empire" and what remains of Ukraine's territorial integrity is threatening the overall peace in Europe. It seems the crisis will not end until Putin is stopped. So who will stop him?

The Corporate Debt to Society: $10,000 Per Household, Per Year

The Alaska Permanent Fund proved a success, therefore an America Permanent Fund (APF), based on that program, would benefit both the rich and poor. We all deserve to receive some national productivity.

Why We’re All Becoming Independent Contractors

The most significant legal trend in the American workforce is “independent contractors,” which lessens companies' costs of having full-time employees. But is the trend contributing directly to low pay, irregular hours and job insecurity?

NSA & British GCHQ Hacked SIM Card Maker to Steal Encryption Keys to Spy...

NSA, and its British counterpart, have hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world. They are now able to oversee mobile communications without permission from telecom companies and foreign governments.

Planting Fear Into the American Mind

It seems, in order to pass a certain agenda, modern time presidents will use the idea of fear. Keeping U.S. citizens afraid of terrorism and other countries have let aggressive military policy become justified.

Video Reveals Federal Agents Arresting Venezuelan Mayor for Conspiracy

Mayor Ledezma of Caracas in Venezuela was recently arrested and is being accused of conspiring to overthrow the Venezuelan government. The Venezuelan President has faced severe economic turmoil and social unrest and he seems to be targeting military and political opponents without proof of evidence.

VIDEO: The President Should Not Only Veto the Keystone XL Pipeline, but Stop it...

President Obama has the authority to end the environmentally damaging Keystone XL pipeline project altogether. It's time we pressure the White House to go through with it.