Thursday, September 19, 2024

China Accelerates Into the Future, Racing Past America

A role reversal has occurred in this world as China is quickly surpassing the US in the innovative and economic world. With its increasing wealth, China is expanding its existence throughout the world.

Former Russian Deputy Prime Minister Assassinated

Former Deputy Prime Minister Boris Nemtsov was assassinated in Moscow this weekend. Nemtsov, an economic reformer, opposed many of Putin’s decisions and ideas like so many other Russian journalists, authors, and activists recently killed.

An Escape Hatch for Corporate Cons

While corporate crimes produce horrible injuries, illnesses and deaths, they are almost always settled by fines and payoffs. Why is it that criminal corporate executives are always given a “Get Out of Jail Free” card?

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises in Chicago

“Reclaim Chicago,” a progressive, people-led democratic coalition, are attempting to reclaim their city. Corporate elites and corrupt politicians better beware of the power of thousands of grassroots Chicagoans.

If We’re Going to Defend Social Security We Need to Understand It

Social Security is on the chopping block in Congress again with the idea of “saving” the program. Because not too many people are familiar with the benefits and features of Social Security, few people are fighting for it.

Chicago Police Accused of Operating CIA-style Black Site

The Chicago Police Department has recently been under scrutiny because of the way they are treating detainees. The CPD has been caught torturing people, denying access to defense attorneys, and using excessive force when questioning.

Hope and Wonder Amidst the Misery

British artist and writer Benjamin Crème has been traveling the world preaching to anyone who would listen that Maitreya, the World Teacher, is out there gradually emerging into public view. The story is an extraordinary message of hope.

Students Launch Historic Debt Strike, Refusing to Pay Back Predatory College Loans

Fifteen former students of the for-profit Corinthian Colleges system decided not to pay back loans they took out to attend the college. They've launched the nation's first student debt strike against the crushing debt.

Former Tax Collector Caught Stealing $300,000 in Public Funds

Former treasurer and tax collector, Melissa Arnold, admitted to depositing checks into her personal account instead of the Township’s account. She hasn't yet been convicted, but filed a plea bargain, which would make her responsible for paying it back in full.

A Model Philanthropist

Ron Read, a philanthropist and janitor from a small-town in Vermont, shocked his community by leaving behind millions for the common good—gifting the largest bequest to the local library and hospital. What a great way to restore faith in humankind.