Sunday, September 22, 2024

If Trump wants to fight dirty in 2020 here’s how Democrats can take him...

It will be a disgrace to this country’s democracy, a dark stain on the soul of America if this lowest of the low individual is even allowed d to run for reelection.

Medicaid purge has now impacted at least 2.1 million people—including many children

"States like Florida and Arkansas are weaponizing the bureaucracy against the poor and revoking healthcare for millions, the vast majority for incomplete paperwork."

Democratic frontrunner Bernie Sanders releases plan for guaranteed ‘child care and pre-k for all’

“We know that the first four years of a child’s life are the most important years of human development, so it is unconscionable that in the wealthiest country in the world, we do not properly invest in early childhood education.”

Do media really care about money in politics?

But a deeper look at media coverage suggests that media’s concern with money in politics rarely extends beyond the catchy headline.

On Russia, GOP probers looked the other way

The list of what the committee didn't do goes on and on.

How magical is Donald Trump?

Progressives not only need to resist the plutocratic agenda, but also to put forth our true people's agenda and start rallying voters around it.

Tariq Ali: The Time Is Right for a Palace Revolution

The devolution of the political system through corruption has led to “the death of the party system” and the emergence of what Tariq Ali, part of the royalty of the left, called “an extreme center.” “One is doomed if nothing happens in the U.S.”

Open letter to Senate from climate action groups demands an end to fossil fuel...

Sending more fossil fuels to Europe and across the globe is not the answer a coalition of 200 national climate action groups...

As conflict with Iran escalates, path to peace can be found

"It is the job of the peace movement and all those who seek stability and justice in the world to work toward this outcome."