What South Carolina Needs to Do for Racial Equality (Taking Down the Flag Is...
The welfare of all South Carolinians would increase with these steps. These steps include educational reform and expansion of medicaid.
Snake Oil Won’t Cure Inequality
The GOP's 2016 contenders talk a good game about the wealth gap while making it even bigger. Don't they know this is the biggest issue affecting Americans?
‘The Donald Show’
Just who we would have wanted to enter the race for president recently made his announcement in a full showbiz extravaganza. Donald Trump, the self-promoting "hypester," is starting his run—let the lunacy begin!
Fed’s Giant Ponzi Scheme
There is more mystery and nuance to the economic story than we are being told by the pundits. Here's the real story about debt, bubbles and a 35-year-long Ponzi Scheme.
VIDEO: #12. Most Important of All: Get Big Money Out of Politics
All that we need to do as a nation is achievable only if we get big money out of politics because an economy that works for everyone is a democracy that works. So it's about time we put an end to dark money.
#11. Why Medicare Isn’t the Problem: It’s the Solution
Conservatives continue to claim that Medicare is running out of money and must be pared back. Medicare actually isn't the problem. The actual problem lies with healthcare coverage expected to rise steeply.
Sanders the Giant Slayer — First, Topple the Bad Queen
Assess Bernie Sanders by what he can do to advance progress, not by other ideological or entrenched standards, great fears or desperate hopes. Sanders offers progressives the best way not to "waste time" this season.
How to Punish Bank Felons
When a big Wall Street bank pleads guilty to criminal felony charges committed, there seems to be no punishment that fits the crime. When real people plead guilty to felonies they go to jail, but nobody involved in bank crimes will see a day behind bars. Fair?
“It is in Our Power to Do Something”: After Another Massacre, Will Public Mobilize...
The recent shooting in a black church in South Carolina has led President Obama to call for immediate action on gun control. The U.S. needs to recognize the fact that these situations of mass violence does not happen in other countries with stricter gun control laws.
President Obama Joins Forces with Corporate America and the GOP
President Obama comes off as serious, low drama, and personable, but Corporate America has definitely got the best of him. Obamacare, the TPP, and the never ending war the U.S. is responsible for proves he and his government are easy manipulated.