Saturday, January 4, 2025

Greece – What You are not Being Told by the Media

According to mainstream media, the current economic crisis in Greece is due to the government spending too much money on its people that it went broke. This claim however, is a lie. It was the banks that wrecked the country so oligarchs and international corporations could benefit.

Newly Released Emails Reveal the Hillary You (Still) Don’t Know

Hillary Clinton has recently turned over thousands of emails to he State Department and many of them only discuss daily menial issues. When was she discussing weightier decisions? Was she already thinking ahead, and wanted to remain mysterious about her true opinions on matters, so only communicated on big issues via telephone?

On Patriotism

True patriots don’t hate the government of the United States. They’re proud of it. They may not like everything it does, and they justifiably worry when special interests gain too much power over it. But true patriots work to improve our government, not destroy it.

The Superpower Conundrum

Military power no longer seems to act as it once did on Planet Earth. Under distinctly apocalyptic pressures, something seems to be breaking down, something seems to be fragmenting.

VIDEO: After Marriage Equality and Obamacare, Mixed Results from SCOTUS on Abortion, Pollution, Executions

While the Supreme Court's ruling on same-sex marriage and Obamacare were favorable amongst the public, their rulings dealing with abortion access, air pollution, executions and elections were not so desirable.

Overtime: Finally, a Break for the Middle Class

There is finally a bit of good news for hard-working Americans—the U.S. Department of Labor just proposed raising the overtime threshold. More than a million workers will soon get a raise.

Buy Your Way into Scott Walker’s Circle

Presidential candidate Scott Walker wants you to think he cares about people like you, so he is inviting people to sit down and talk to him face-to-face—it only costs $1 million. It's time we end this corrupt mockery of our electoral democracy.

Former Senator Pleads Guilty in Corruption Case

Former California State Senator Leland Yee was convicted of racketeering as he plead guilty to his direct involvement in multiple conspiracies. Corruption at the state level has dark money running rampant.

The American Worker: Crushed Again by the Overwhelming Power of Corporatism

President Obama and his team of corporate bullies have successfully forced Fast Track legislation for the TPP through Congress and now global corporations rule America. Once again, American workers are being kicked while they’re down.

‘Lesser Evil’ Fallacy Upended by Obama, Now Sanders

President Obama has proved what happens when a seemingly once-a-generation chance for reform is sabotaged. Now Bernie Sanders, with a cleaner, more progressive record, is grabbing the reform baton. But will he succeed?