Stop Flint residents from being charged for contaminated water
Sign the petition to stop Flint residents from being charged for contaminated water.
End whaling in Japan
Sign the petition to end whaling in Japan.
Get the fossil fuels out of climate policymaking
This petition is closed.
Raise the Minimum Wage to $15
This petition is closed.
End dark money
Sign the petition to require the disclosure of secret donors during political campaigns.
Stop Oprah from featuring Monsanto ads in her magazine
Sign the petition to tell Oprah to stop featuring Monsanto ads in her magazine.
Make renewable energy the future of California
Sign the petition and help make renewable energy the future of California.
Cut animal cruelty out of cosmetics
This petition is closed.
Ban artificial sweeteners
Sign the petition to tell the FDA to ban artificial sweeteners.
Help California end killer whale shows and entertainment
Sign the petition to help California end killer whale shows and entertainment.