Wednesday, October 23, 2024

BREAKING: Trump pardons former Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Arizona

Not surprisingly, Arpaio endorsed Trump's presidential candidacy in January 2016.
Construction along the Keystone XL pipeline.

Ranchers fight Keystone XL pipeline by building solar panels in its path

It's one of several creative protests against pipeline companies trying to use eminent domain to take private land. A Nebraska hearing is planned for August.

Seattle makes history – passes ‘tax the rich’ income tax

Kshama Sawant: “When we fight, we win.”

Top-secret NSA report details Russian hacking effort days before 2016 election

“It’s not just that [an election] has to be fair, it has to be demonstrably fair, so that the loser says, ‘Yep, I lost fair and square.’ If you can’t do that, you’re screwed.”

Dakota Access Pipeline begins service the same day Trump announces withdrawal from Paris agreement

This decision is not the first – nor will it likely be the last – from the Trump administration to move the United States backwards in climate action.

685,000+ send comments in support of Bears Ears National Monument

“The people have spoken – more than half a million strong – and 99 percent expect these magnificent lands to be held in the public trust for future generations.”

Down the memory hole

Living in Trump’s United States of Amnesia.

Trump sued for censorship of climate change data

“The Trump administration's refusal to release public information about its climate censorship continues a dangerous and illegal pattern of anti-science denial.”

4 reasons why Trump’s plan to strip the IRS is incredibly dumb

Donald Trump hates the IRS and has spent years battling it.

Dividing the Right and conquering Trump

Trump's extremely effective at dividing and conquering his opponents. What would it take for progressives to divide his supporters?