Saturday, January 4, 2025

Pentagon fails seventh straight audit amid $1 trillion military budget

Meanwhile, Congress continues to approve unprecedented increases in military spending, pushing the budget close to $1 trillion.

Segregation academies across the South are getting millions in taxpayer dollars

Segregation academies that remain vastly white continue to play an integral role in perpetuating school segregation—and, as a result, racial separation in the surrounding communities.

Media coverage of Amsterdam soccer riot erases Zionist hatred and violence

The events in Amsterdam called for nuanced media coverage that contextualized events and condemned both anti-Jewish and anti-Arab violence.

Seeds of resistance

Reviving the peace movement in the age of Trump.

ACLU warns campus antisemitism bill could censor criticism of Israel and chill free speech

The ACLU opposes bipartisan Senate legislation, arguing it risks equating legitimate criticism of Israel with antisemitism, violating First Amendment protections on college campuses.

Senator slams gun industry’s ‘invasive and dangerous’ sharing of customer data with political operatives

Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D-Conn., questioned the legality of the “covert program” in which firearms manufacturers for years shared sensitive customer information with political operatives.

Is your bank financing the climate crisis? And what can you do about it?

“Almost everyone has a bank account—and so almost everyone can be part of the solution.”


The world as it might be (or do I mean might have been?)

A pregnant teenager died after trying to get care in three visits to Texas...

That is what many pregnant women are now facing in states with strict abortion bans, doctors and lawyers have told ProPublica.

Crypto giant’s $76 million election push triggers watchdog complaint, exposes FEC inaction on ‘illegal’...

As Coinbase’s political spending has surged past $76 million, critics argue that the FEC is failing in its regulatory responsibilities by not investigating these alleged violations.