Why We’re All Becoming Independent Contractors
The most significant legal trend in the American workforce is “independent contractors,” which lessens companies' costs of having full-time employees. But is the trend contributing directly to low pay, irregular hours and job insecurity?
NSA & British GCHQ Hacked SIM Card Maker to Steal Encryption Keys to Spy...
NSA, and its British counterpart, have hacked into the internal computer network of the largest manufacturer of SIM cards in the world. They are now able to oversee mobile communications without permission from telecom companies and foreign governments.
From ‘Demos’ to ‘Podemos’: Popular Uprisings in Greece and Spain
The future of Europe is in flux, as popular movements in Greece and Spain gain power and challenge traditional economic and political systems. The global economic crisis created enormous suffering for billions around the world, but it also created an opening.
Governor Apologizes to Indian Government for Brutal Police Assault
In a formal announcement this week, Governor Robert Bentley of Alabama apologized to the government of India after a brutal assault by an officer left a 57-year-old Indian man visiting America partially paralyzed. Bentley said "justice would be served."
Reverend William Barber: Leader of the Biggest Social Movement the Media Won’t Talk About
Reverend Dr. William Barber, president of the North Carolina NAACP and voice of the Forward Together movement is "challenging the legislators and governor to be true to the constitution and true moral values." So where's the media coverage?
Jailed for Speaking to the Press: How the Obama Admin Ruined Life of State...
After being accused of discussing classified documents on North Korea with a Fox News reporter, Stephen Kim was sentenced to 13 months in prison for violating the Espionage Act. Peter Maass, award-winning investigative journalist, discusses the case on Democracy Now.
‘Pornography Is What the End of the World Looks Like’
“When you fight porn you fight global capitalism.” With the rise of pornography, there has also been an explosion in sex-related violence. But as porn becomes more accessible, are we blinded by self-destructive fantasy?
Tens of Thousands Join North Carolina Moral March to Protest GOP Takeover, Racism and...
With thousands of protesters gathering in North Carolina over the weekend, the Mass Moral March is being called "one of the largest civil rights rallies in the South." It is held annually to fight for equality.
Suffocating dissent: Gagging the Media in Ethiopia
The Anti–Terrorism Proclamation is known to punish so-called "troublesome journalists" who might criticize the government or publish articles featuring opposition. The brutal gang ruling is no worse than in Ethiopia.
Middle East Reacts to Murder of 3 Muslim-American Students in North Carolina
Middle Easterners are calling the murders a "crime against humanity” and blame Islamophobia for the recent tragedy in North Carolina. Is a hostile environment forming against American Muslims in the U.S.?