Friday, October 18, 2024

Native Americans Demand Clinton Take A Stand On Dakota Access Pipeline

The families at Standing Rock deserve an answer.

Beyond our control

America in the Mid-Seventies and 2020

What happens when men say #MeToo, too?

As a self-identified feminist man who has survived abuse, I wonder how and if I should participate in the conversation.

Uniting for a Green New Deal

This is an opportunity to unite in support of a bold new vision for our society.

INFOGRAPHIC: The True Cost Of Eating Meat

The animal agricultural industry has a massive negative impact on the environment as a whole. But what is the true cost of eating meat?

Border Carbon Tax Could Cut Emissions

Major trading countries are urged to make a big contribution to the battle against climate change by introducing a carbon tax on imports.

If current trends hold, women around the world will have to wait 257 more...

"To build fairer and more inclusive economies we must instill gender parity across education, health, politics, and economic participation."

Investigation launched into police officer using Taser on unarmed man

The video revealed that the officers were issuing contradicting commands shortly before the Taser was fired.

After Historic Swimming Gold, Simone Manuel Addresses Police Brutality And Racism

“I just want to be an inspiration to others that you can do it.”

Activist Scott Warren, facing federal charges for aiding migrants, says he won’t be deterred

Warren, a longtime volunteer with the humanitarian aid group No More Deaths, was charged with three felony counts for his alleged crime of providing food, water and shelter to migrants in Ajo, Arizona.