Friday, September 20, 2024

An Exciting Democracy Movement Arises in Chicago

“Reclaim Chicago,” a progressive, people-led democratic coalition, are attempting to reclaim their city. Corporate elites and corrupt politicians better beware of the power of thousands of grassroots Chicagoans.

Why a Loss for Chicago’s Mayor 1 Percent Could be the Win Progressives Have...

While Chicago politics has always been rough and tumble, this April could mean the beginning of a new era not only for Chicago, but for the progressive wave. Democratic politicians might be forced to finally listen to their base.

‘Proud Partners’ Corporatize Our Parks

Why are our presidents so good at praising America's national park system, but lousy at maintaining it? Now Park Service officials have begun the "corporatization" process starting with "co-branding" agreements with national parks.

The New Battle of Seattle

While fossil-fuel corporations are exploring the world’s oil, protesters in Seattle are banding together to stop Shell’s plans to drill for oil in the Arctic. And they don't plan on backing down to these catastrophic effects on climate change.

The Lonely American

In today's technological day and age it's impossible to build relationships and structures that are vital for civic engagement and resistance to corporate power. Yet, have we been transformed into commodities?

My Teacher

Chris Hedges discuss Rev. Coleman Brown's legacy and how Brown had the most profound impact of all his teachers on his education.

States of Terror

We waded into conflicts in the Middle East we did not understand, propelled forward by fantasy. And our folly spawned a death spiral of political, social and economic collapse, widespread poverty, massive displacement, misery and radical jihadism.

Is Greece’s ‘No’ on the Debt Referendum Another Youth Revolution?

The way politics works, and the different categories of politics, has changed drastically over the past few years. Having a left, right, socialist, capitalist, etc. view is beginning not to matter, while Millennials enter into the world of activism and human rights.

"The Army Knew:" New Investigation Unravels Mexican Govt. Account of How 43 Students Disappeared

The untold story of how 43 students disappeared in Mexico on the night of September 26, 2014 unravels after an "explosive new investigation" was published by The Intercept. And the Mexican government is at the center of the investigation.

‘Landmark’ verdicts like Chauvin murder conviction make history – but court cases alone don’t...

Courts are limited in the kinds of disputes they can hear and the sorts of relief they can provide.