Friday, September 20, 2024

As Public Pensions Shift to Risky Wall Street, Local Politicians Rake in Political Cash

A recent political scandal in which investments done in secret are politically connected with Wall Street's firms who are in return earning millions off of taxpayers is getting little coverage. Journalist David Sirota is revealing his findings about these secrets to Democracy Now.

Beyond Ag-Gag: One North Carolina Law Is Bringing the War on Whistleblowers to a...

In today's America it appears some people, especially corporate ”persons,” are indeed more equal than others. From buying elections to muzzling activists who film animal cruelty, political and financial elites increasingly think and act like they're above the law.

An End to 'Mindless Austerity:' Obama Pushes for Taxing the Rich to Fund New...

President Obama is calling for Congress to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations as a way to fund education and fix America's infrastructure. Could Obama's budget proposal help poor and middle-class families?

Restrictions on Syrian Refugees Driven by Fear, Xenophobia

Interview with Congressmember Keith Ellison (D-MN), the first Muslim member of Congress. “We’ve had 750,000 refugees come into this country since the year 2001. None of them – not one – has been engaged in terrorism,” Ellison says.

Middle East Reacts to Murder of 3 Muslim-American Students in North Carolina

Middle Easterners are calling the murders a "crime against humanity” and blame Islamophobia for the recent tragedy in North Carolina. Is a hostile environment forming against American Muslims in the U.S.?

Court Rules NSA Bulk Spying Illegal: New Vindication for Snowden, and Uncertainty for PATRIOT...

The NSA’s collection of millions of U.S. citizens’ phone records is now illegal for them to possess. This ruling comes at a time when the Patriot Act is soon up for renewal.

DOJ Opens Investigation into Police Suspect Killed by Spinal Injuries

The Baltimore police department is under scrutiny, with a criminal investigation now being opened, after a suspect died while in police custody. Although the officers claim they did not use force, video footage shows otherwise.

A Misleading Moment of Celebration for a New Surveillance Program

The final passage of the USA Freedom Act has many civil-liberties credentials rejoicing. But why is it that people in Europe and elsewhere, who care about civil liberties and want true press freedom, look to the U.S. surveillance state?

Special Delivery for the Plutocrats

Spending by outside groups exploded from about $15 million in 1998 to more than $1 billion in 2012. And between the Clinton coffers and Koch cash, the crisis will get far worse as the 2016 presidential-election season heats up. Doug Hughes hopes to help change this.

Do high taxes on our rich make any sense?

We need to do more than tax high incomes. We need to limit them.