Thursday, October 17, 2024

Florida doctor under investigation after cussing out patient and stealing phone

“Get your money and get the hell out! See ya later.”

Indigenous self-determination is key climate solution in new report

The National Climate Assessment affirms that Indigenous peoples bear both the weight of climate change’s impacts and carry knowledge that may help lessen its burden.

'David Duke Without the Baggage:' Will Top GOPer Steve Scalise Resign Over Speech to...

House Majority Whip Steve Scalise has confirmed he spoke at EURO, a convention founded by perhaps the country’s most notorious white supremacist. Now Republicans will have to decide what that says about their conference.

Mumia Abu-Jamal Returned to Prison After Hospitalization

Mumia Abu-Jamal has recently returned back to prison after having to be admitted to an intensive care unit because of experiencing a blackout from diabetic shock. He was under heavy surveillance and was only allowed to see close relatives.

The rise of Indigenous candidates raises awareness of key issues

Indigenous values helped shape American democracy, and now they’re helping increase Native representation.

Poor People’s Campaign announces ‘season of nonviolent direct action’ targeting US Senate

‘If our actions result in the system believing it has to arrest us, then so be it. Civil disobedience is a badge and banner we will proudly wear,” said Rev. William Barber.

DEA agent arrested for participating in Capitol riots

U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Agent Mark Sami Ibrahim was arrested Tuesday and charged on several accounts for his participation in the Capitol riots on January 6.

In 17 Days Vermont’s Historic GMO Labeling Law Goes Into Effect: Is Big Food...

It’s clear that food companies are quietly preparing for Vermont’s seemingly inevitable label law.

‘Stop weaponizing antisemitism’: Police ‘body-slam’ Jewish Dartmouth prof. at campus Gaza protest

This comes as more than 50 chapters of the American Association of University Professors have issued a statement condemning the violent arrests by police at campus protests.

Supreme Court strikes down President Biden’s plan to erase billions in student debt

In a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court claimed that the Biden administration's plan lacked authority and overstepped the powers of the Education Department and instead needed to go through Congress.