Thursday, October 17, 2024

If current trends hold, women around the world will have to wait 257 more...

"To build fairer and more inclusive economies we must instill gender parity across education, health, politics, and economic participation."

Investigation launched into police officer using Taser on unarmed man

The video revealed that the officers were issuing contradicting commands shortly before the Taser was fired.

Activist Scott Warren, facing federal charges for aiding migrants, says he won’t be deterred

Warren, a longtime volunteer with the humanitarian aid group No More Deaths, was charged with three felony counts for his alleged crime of providing food, water and shelter to migrants in Ajo, Arizona.

Labor Day 2017: Working families move closer to paid parental leave

For the nation’s poor working parents, the absence of paid leave is only the visible top of an iceberg of workplace challenges.

“Brutal and sadistic”: Noam Chomsky on family separation & the U.S. roots of today’s...

More than 400 parents have been deported back to their home countries while their children remain in U.S. custody in facilities scattered across the United States.

Lessons on workplace activism from winning campaigns at Google

Forcing a company with Google’s market capitalization and branding power to change its policies is a massive achievement with important lessons to offer.

Progressive Briefing for Thursday, August 2, 2018

Warren urges delay in confirmation vote for CFPB Director, new President of Mexico vows to ban fracking, Portland cracks down on fossil fuels, and more.

FBI raids home of New York police union president

The president of a New York City police union appears to be under federal investigation after FBI agents raided his home and the union headquarters on Tuesday.

Serving the Empire & NOT the People!!

Eric Holder, former Attorney General under President Obama, was being interviewed by that 'bulldog' of a reporter Chris Cuomo on his CNN ...

Medicaid Cutoffs: an America horror story

Some 15 million Americans on Medicaid are now being thrown off the program. No elected official should stand for this.